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Colorado Intimate Portraits | Hello

I’m almost 40 and I finally feel good in the skin I’m in.

But I’m also so frustrated that it took me so long to learn to love myself, appreciate my journey, and realize how f*cked up society is and the message given to anyone that isn’t a man. (I’m sure men face their own things but I am not in their shoes so I can’t speak to that. And I definitely don’t want to sound like I’m anti-men; trust me, I’m not)

This week has been full of conversations with amazing people and it feels good to not be alone but also really problematic that so many of us feel like we’ll never be good enough. In any facet of life.

I work really hard to show people that they’re amazing as they are and sometimes it feels like I’m swimming upstream.

It’s so important to me to remind you that you are worthy of all the goodness and photos may not be the answer to all the things we face but it’s something.

I want you to feel good in the skin you’re in, to celebrate what you’ve accomplished and overcome and all that you are still meant to be. Because it feels so good! And you deserve it!

That’s it.

Take a moment today to honor yourself, show yourself some grace, some love, and remind those around you that need a boost that they matter, too.

And make a decided effort to curate your surroundings to uplift yourself. Unfollow shit that leaves you feeling bad about yourself. Post notes to your mirror to remind you of your best qualities. Take a moment to look at how far you’ve come!